PV Convention Policies & Code of Conduct

Polar Vortex is a family friendly event and is dedicated to providing a fun, safe tabletop gaming convention experience for everyone. We expect all attendees to treat each other with common courtesy and respect. Some areas leading to Polar Vortex event space may be shared with Sheraton events; please be respectful to all guests of these locations.

By purchasing a Polar Vortex badge you agree to abide by the rules and policies set by Polar Vortex Game Convention. If you have questions, please ask a staff member. Polar Vortex reserves the right to revoke the badge(s) of any guest(s) at any time for any reason.

The following policies apply to anyone attending Polar Vortex.


  • Wear your badge at all times. A badge is required to access the Main Hall of the convention and/or participate in any events.
  • It is hotel policy that outside food may not be consumed in the Main Hall. Only food purchased within the Sheraton is allowed. If you want to consume food brought in or delivered you will need to eat in your hotel room, or in the hotel’s main lobby.
  • Polar Vortex will not tolerate harassment of any kind. If you feel uncomfortable in any situation, please notify a Polar Vortex Staff member. We will protect your right to feel safe at our event and will investigate any situation, taking appropriate action.
  • Flyers are not to be distributed outside of the convention space, and are not to be posted on hotel doors, in any public restrooms, or handed out to convention guests while engaged in events. A table near registration will be available for flyers.
  • The Sheraton is a pet friendly hotel, but in accordance with hotel policy we must limit their presence to certified service animals only in the convention spaces.
  • As a guest of Polar Vortex Game Convention, you allow photography to be taken of you by the event staff for future use in publication or advertising. If you DO NOT wish to have your photo taken, please see Registration Staff.
  • Have fun!


As a family friendly convention, we will not tolerate unacceptable behavior. Unacceptable behaviors include: vulgar, intimidating, harassing, abusive, derogatory, discriminatory, or demeaning conduct towards any attendees, convention staff of Polar Vortex, hotel staff, or hotel guests. Disorderly drunkenness, excessive rudeness, and overuse of profanity will also not be tolerated.

Harassment includes:

  • Offensive verbal comments related to gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, disability, physical appearance, or body size
  • Inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images in public spaces
  • Deliberate intimidation, stalking or following
  • Harassing photography or recording
  • Sustained disruption of events
  • Inappropriate physical contact
  • Unwelcome sexual attention
  • False accusations of harassment

COSPLAY IS NOT CONSENT to be inappropriate.

Participants asked to cease harassing behavior are expected to do so immediately. Even if you do not agree with the recipient of said harassment, you must stop.

Please report any violations of the harassment policy to staff at Registration.


Convention management reserves the right to deny entry or remove any person from the event behaving in a manner which event management considers disruptive. Engaging in any of these acts puts you at risk for immediate removal from the convention without refund, and a permanent ban from Polar Vortex in the future.

All of the following constitute grounds for expulsion from the convention without refund:

  • Violating any federal, state, or local laws, facility rules or convention policies
  • Failure to comply with the instructions of staff or Sheraton personnel
  • Using anything in a threatening or destructive manner against person or property
  • Endangering the safety of oneself or others
  • Threatening, stealing, cheating or harassing others


If you are caught stealing from anyone at Polar Vortex (attendees, vendors, the hotel, guests) we will take enforcement action up to and including expelling you from the convention without refund, banning you from future conventions, and contacting law enforcement.


Smoking and vaping is not allowed inside the hotel. Please use the designated smoking area outside the facility found between the Hotel’s main entrance and the main entrance of the event.


We cannot replace lost, stolen, or forgotten badges or event tickets. Such items must be repurchased at full cost. We recommend that you check with the Registration Desk to see if your materials have been turned in to Lost & Found. Polar Vortex Game Convention assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or forgotten materials.


Lost and Found will be located at the Registration Desk until 4 p.m. Sunday. If you have lost an item, please check with the Registration Desk. We will attempt to discover ownership of lost items, and may ask for assistance in this matter.


Costumes are encouraged! However, no weapons of any kind, either real or life-like are allowed. This may include any such items the convention staff deems inappropriate such as blades, unsafe boffer weapons, non-medical canes, staves, or walking sticks.

Remember people, COSPLAY IS NOT CONSENT. Don’t be a jerk.


Polar Vortex Game Convention welcomes families!

Children 12 and under who are merely accompanying a badge owning parent/guardian may be present at the convention, but must have a badge to participate in any games/events. A free Child Badge may be purchased alongside the purchase of an accompanying adult badge, or requested at Registration by a badge carrying parent/guardian. However, children 12 and under are still required to buy individual game tickets if they wish to participate in games/events.

All children 12 and under must be accompanied by an adult at all times during the convention. Parents/guardians of children 13-17 must remain on site and/or be easily and quickly available on site in case of need. Please provide contact information on the back of the child’s badge in case of emergency or accidental separation.

The convention does not have a child care service. Polar Vortex, it’s staff, volunteers, nor judges/gamemasters will take responsibility for your children. Parents/guardians are responsible for your children and younger teens. Please keep them in sight at all times.

If you get separated from your child, please alert Registration immediately so announcements can be made and Hotel staff can be informed. All efforts will be made to reunite you with them.


We are the sole owners of the information collected on this site. We only have access to/collect information that you voluntarily give us through tabletop.events, via email, or other direct contact from you. We will not sell or rent this information to anyone, ever.

We will use your information to respond to you, regarding the reason you contacted us. We will not share your information with any third party outside of Polar Vortex, our venue in order to resolve issues with the hotel, or than the below.

  • By buying a game ticket to any specific gaming event at Polar Vortex, you are giving us the express permission to share your contact information with the GM or organizer of that event, should they request it. GMs/organizers often want to contact their players before their event in order to share information about that specific gaming event.
  • Upon registering for a badge to Polar Vortex through tabletop.events, your name and email will be added to our Mailchimp attendee list. Child badge information is not added to this list. You will only receive notifications regarding Polar Vortex Game Convention. You can request to be removed from this list at any time.


By being admitted to Polar Vortex Game Convention, all attendees and his/her/their ward(s) and/or guardian(s) hereby: (I) releases Polar Vortex Game Convention and its convention partners from any liability for loss or damage to persons or property, infringement of any right, or any other claim of course of action of any kind; (II) authorizes and permits Polar Vortex Game Convention and its designees to use his/her/their name, voice, likeness, and all reproductions thereof, in all media now and hereafter known for all purposes in perpetuity; and (III) agrees to comply with all the rules and regulations of the convention.

Polar Vortex